
37 days

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love to countdown.  Starting about mid-March, I keep a days left 'til summer break count and let everyone know where we stand.  It is NOT that I am necessarily looking forward to the end or wish to be there now.  I like to know how much time I have for different events.  Knowing that there are 8 weeks of school left or 37 days (minus holidays and in-services) helps me stay on track so that I am not in panic-mode the last week of school trying to cram in last minute lessons.  Knowing that there are only 7 Monday's left helps me persevere through my longest day of the week and make the most of every moment left with my students.

Today, my colleague and I spent a good chunk of time working on our combined class/project web-sites.  As I stopped and scrolled through all of the pictures from this year on our sites I have to admit, a tear came to my eye.  All the memories.  All the fun.  All the ah-ha's.  All the projects.  As teachers, we will start again next year with a fresh group of students and recreate these memories once more.  As students, I hope they will always remember the awesome year we shared together in first grade.  I hope my students remember how much I care for them, how excited I would get when they had success, how I made them feel.  I hope they will always look back and have fond memories of the first grade year!

It is hard for me to accept that I only have 37 days left with this class of heroes! 


  1. It really is crazy that there are only 37 days left, which means I have even fewer days left with my kids! It has been amazing to see how much kids grow in a year. I really hope that my fifth graders can hang on to the successes they have had this year and carry them on to middle school.

  2. Just reading this brings a tear to my eye! I miss all those little heroes and the author of this blog so much, even though I am having wonderful experiences now as well. I have gone through the pictures from this year and cannot believe how far we all have come. I remember separating all the investigation books before school started like it was yesterday ;) This has been an amazing year and I cannot wait for what lies ahead for me next year! Good luck with the last days of school!

  3. Although your countdowns can be a bit stressful they are also very exciting! Reading this reminded me about all the times we have had so far and, although there may be only 37 days left, I know we will still have many more memories to make in that time. I know your students will remember so much about this year because you and Cary planned such an amazing year for the them. I am so thankful to be a part of such great teachers and learn from the both of you. You prove how amazing teachers can really be if they are passionate about their career. To be that dedicated and make such an impact is what teaching should really be about! So again, I say thank you for the experiences and the memories. I am so glad you and Cary are so into taking pictures because looking back on them is so much fun!
