
Turning the Page

I love my job.  Even on the hard days, I love my job.  Today was one of those days.  It had it's highs.  It had it's lows.  It even through a curve ball or two. 

The students have left for the day.  As I melt into my chair and peer over the mound of papers and piles teetering on my desk (which must be under it all somewhere - I saw it this morning), I pick up my lesson plans and quickly turn the page.  Today is over.  For all the good and all the bad of the day, it is over.  We will never repeat this day.  My lesson plan for tomorrow is crisp and clean.  There are no pen marks notating changes to the day.  No ranch dip smudges from afternoon snack.  There are no sticky notes full of additional reminders. 

This is how it is with our kiddos.  Today is done.  Tomorrow is a new day.  Help your kiddos to turn the page and see the "clean slate."  Whatever happened on Tuesday stays on Tuesday.  Wednesday is a fresh start.  Wednesday can be whatever we make of it.  Make good choices, try your best, and succeed once again!